
  1. Junior Scholastic
  2. Juniors Clothing
  3. Junior Seau
Omg this game looks good. The guys look great and the plot totally grabs my attention.

My first target is junoru cuz i like polite nice guy and got straigh to the romance ending first time playing but heck i ready expeted some tragic backstory but it was more blowmind gaps., i crying at roya death because he die Way too early in the game before geting knowing him better as person. 'Everyone, are you ready?' Kinbad asked, Simon and Yua were already wearing their gear. Zingo was going to be the spy, Zingo had a good past with the heroes and this meant that he would be the least suspicious. The Knight and Hooded girl have a somewhat grey relationship with the heroes, they were vigilantes like the Chained King. If Zingo was needed then he has his mask with him in his wi.

  • Junoru's route was hilarious and revealed a lot of info about the story, which why it might be good to save it for last. Zeikun is unfriendly initially but it's very fun seeing how that changes, and Kurato was initially my least favorite because he was a little too aggressive, but I definitely liked him towards the end of his route (they're so.
  • As with most other cultures, Japanese girl names are usually centered around positive traits, beauty, and flowers. You may notice this trend in names because of popular suffixes like ko (which means “child,” a very popular suffix among Japanese female names), mi (which can translate to “beauty” or “sea” in kanji), and ka (which means.
  • I'm slowly chugging through Junoru's route and I am pretty hooked so far. I hope others can also give this game a try:P. Boring, annoying or pricks. Okay I'm back and GODDAMMIT How is that the NORMAL END?!?!?!?!? Is the game mocking me??

When it comes to personality, Junoru appeals to me. Though I also want to find out more on Sachiro. On looks, Chain. Oh wow, he looks amazing. Too bad he's a side character.

Junior Scholastic

Junior scholasticIf it worries you that much, maybe you could make an option at the beginning where people can play the game without those horror scenes. But there are horror fans here and I for one, would totally play a game with horror art.

Juniors Clothing


Junior Seau

And I agree with most of the people, I also advise you to get another person to work with you. It makes the game progress go so much easier. Making games can be stressful and very time consuming so it helps to have someone take some of the load off your back. Anyhow, best of luck to getting this done. I really look forward to playing this one day.