Unit 3: Populationgeography

The Unit title is “Population and Migration,” but several migration topics are postponed until later – they will be easier to teach after looking at the economic and political conditions that often drive migration. To align better with the new Michigan GLCEs, we also narrowed the focus of Unit 3D, making it a concrete look at patterns of human settlement in one region (GLCE 6G43), rather than an abstract examination of urban problems and urbanization as a global issue – that larger topic relies on a lot of prior knowledge that students will not get until Units 4 through 6. Giving Part D a specific regional focus on South America also has the benefit of adding details about an important region to their developing mental map of the world. The draft chapters from the Big Idea Geography folder are primarily for teacher background, although individual pages might be useful as student readings (Readability is at Grade 6 to 6.5, according to a set of tests).

6th 3 Outline Unit 3

6th 3A 0utline How Did People Get There

Population Geography. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates.

  • 6th 3A Human Migration clickable map includes answer key for activity
  • BI1 World work map 8×14 clickable basic environments, population, cities
6th 3B 0utline Population Growth
  • 6th 3B Bar Graphs Children and Family Size
  • 6th 3B Map Correlation presentation explains procedure for above
  • 6th 3B Blank Big As Blank Set can (but does not have to) use this website:
  • 6th 3Bz Comparing China India and Africa data analysis activity
  • 6th 3Bz Presentation China India and Africa photos and answer sheet
  1. Barrons AP Human Geography- Unit 3 62 Terms. AP Hug Chapter 3 Vocab 62 Terms. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. PHUG AMSCO Unit 1 38 Terms. Unit 2 Population Geography Vocabulary Flashcards: AP Human Geography Barron's Book AP Exam 46 Terms. PETERSENVALERIE TEACHER.
  2. Unit 1: Geography, It's Nature and Perspectives Unit 2: Population Geography Unit 3: Cultural Geography Unit 4: Political Geography Unit 5: Agricultural Geography and Rural Land Use Unit 6: Economic Geography and Development Unit 7: Urban Geography New Teacher Questions / Discussions.

Here are some direct links to useful population-related websites:

  • interactive timeline and animated map of world population growth
  • cartograms of world population in 1800, 1900, 2000, and predicted 2100
  • http://www.worldmapper.org/ variety of population related cartograms
6th 3C 0utline Population Pyramids
  • 6th 3C Using CensusGov website handout and activity using this website:
  • 6th 3Cx China Population Pyramids presentation includes answer key for activity
  • 6th 3Cy China Demographic Transition for teacher background
  • BI8 China big idea presentation from the Big Idea folder
6th 3D 0utline Human Settlement population geography in South America
  • 6th 3Dx Placenames in a Colonial Region making regions based on language clues
  • 6th 3Dx Placenames clickable activity map customize your own activity
  • 6th 3Dx Placenames teacher notes
    • 6th 3Dy Beach Temperatures activity about consequences of global winds
  • 6th 3Dz Making a Fast-Food Meal influence of elevation on farm production
  • BI4 S America big idea presentation from Big Idea folder

Unit 3: Population Geography


A. Read the following selections from the Margin Notes by clicking on each link.

Population Geography (entire page)

B. Watch these presentations. When you click on one of the links below, a new screen will pop up. Use the scrollbar on the side of the new screen to navigate. You need Adobe Reader to view PDF files.

[Each may take a few minutes to download.

C. (Optional) Read the following chapters from thetextbook.

Chapters 04 - 05

D. The following OptionalLinks will help you do better in your course but they are not required.

E. Activity #2: Dealing with Human Trafficking(10 points)

For your second activity, we're going to watch a documentary about the boom -- despite the dangers it poses -- in illegal worldwidemigration.

First, though, we need to do a little background preparation.


Go to Wide Angle's video, Dying To Leave. On that page read the paragraph titled About The Film. From the Inside this Episodemenu on the upper right, choose the following links.

Introduction (the first page)

Photo Essay: Confronting the Problem of Human Smuggling
Business of Human Trafficking Introduction

Business Structures (linked at the bottom of the intro page)

Criminal Groups (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Trafficking Routes (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Human Trafficking Worldwide Introduction

Albania (linked at the bottom of the intro page)

China (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Mexico (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Morocco (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Sudan (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Suriname (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Unit 3: Populationgeography

Thailand (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Turkey (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

United Arab Emirates (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

United Kingdom (linked at the bottom of the previous page)

Continue to choose links until you've read through all 4 pages (and their linked sections) listed above.


From the Inside this Episode menu on the upper right of any of the above pages, choose the Video: Full Episode link to take you to the documentary. Read the introduction above the player.

The documentary plays on Adobe Flash Player, available on the video site. The documentary is just under an hour in length and has been divided into 8 clips for viewing. The player is in the middle of the page with the individual clips arranged underneath. The clips are accessed by clicking on the picture for each. However, if you click on the white arrow in the middle of the player, the player will automatically go from clip to clip without stopping. There are two small icons just under the player on the right. One controls the player's screen size and one the volume. You should be able to watch the documentary on any but the oldest and slowest computers ... although the slower your connection, the longer it will take your computer to load the video. Be patient!

Unit 3 Geography

Every year, an estimated two to four million people are shipped in containers, shepherded through sewage pipes, secreted in car chassis and ferried across frigid waters. Others travel on legitimate carriers but with forged documents. An alarming number of these migrants end up in bondage, forced to work as prostitutes, thieves or as laborers in sweatshops. Two terms often used for such desperate migrants are human trafficking and human cargo.

Human cargo can be defined in many different ways, from trafficking of women and children for labor to political and economic refugees using organized crime to escape life-threatening conditions in their homelands. As you watch the documentary, consider the following questions. (Do NOT send me the answers to these ... they're only to help you stay focused during the documentary.)

What is the relationship between the migration of people and ethnic tensions and nationalism?


What role does economics play in the migration of people?

Is it possible that conditions in migrants' home countries are so desperate that the possibility of dangers during migration are worth the risk?

Is it possible that conditions in traffickers' home countries are so desperate that they feel they have no other choice but to benefit from those desperate to leave?

What opposition has risen to global migration? Why?


To what extent are current migrations similar to early migrations? How are they different?

What impact has immigration had on the migrant?

What impact has immigration had on the regions involved?

Are there some basic rights everyone has and are entitled to?

Population Geography Definition

Should the problem of human cargo be addressed by the international community?

Are there steps to take that the United Nations and world governments should be focusing on regarding human trafficking?


Critical Thinking

Social Scientist Laura Agustín has, in recent years, made a name for herself challenging the mainstream views of human trafficking. Agustín says that for millions of people all over the world, their birth and childhood place is not a feasible or desirable one in which to undertake more adult or ambitious projects and moving to another place is a conventional — not traumatic — solution. How does this decision to move take place? Earthquakes, armed conflict, disease, lack of food impel some people in situations that seem to involve little element of choice or any time to process options. According to Agustín, the trafficking discourse relies on the assumption that it is better for people to stay at home rather than leave it and get into trouble. But if one of our goals is to find a vision of globalization in which poorer people are not constructed solely as victims, Agustín says we need to recognize that strategies which seem less gratifying to some people may be successfully utilized by others.

A rural person from a third-world country can arrive in Europe and, with the right contacts, soon be in a position to earn 5000 euros or more a month. Agustín says the surprise this figure may cause is related to the media’s nearly exclusive coverage of isolated examples of the worst exploitation. The ability to earn such an amount depends on being introduced or introducing oneself into a market, having the skills to operate there and learning to manage that kind of money (a frequent problem is large-scale consumption which tends to cancel out high earnings). But one must also give credit where credit is due, recognize the resourcefulness of most migrants and allow them the possibility of overcoming feelings of victimhood and experiencing pleasure and satisfaction within difficult situations and in strange places. Yet Agustín's writing seems to be at total odds with what we saw in the documentary. Why?

  1. After you've covered the assignment material, I'd like you to send me an essay that answers the question:Is human trafficking a problem we have a moral obligation to eradicate or is it a valid cultural choice even if we don't understand it?Your answer to that question may be as long or as brief as you want but it must pass two tests.

  2. First, your answer must exhibit an understanding of geographic concepts. Make specific and detailed connections to course content.

  3. Second, your answer must reflect the information given in the assignment, both from the video & readings and from the information on Laura Agustin. Use what you learned from the assignment to make your case. Too, while I welcome you to include your opinions as part of your comments, those opinions must have some basis in fact. This is the time to demonstrate some critical thinking!

  4. Please be careful to use correct spelling and grammar.

Unit 3 Population Geography Definition

Activity Submission Instructions

Population Geography Ppt

By the deadline shown in the Course Schedule on the main page of the syllabus:

Unit 3 Population Geography Quizlet

  • Send your comments in the body of a new email to dramyglenn@gmail.com.

  • Put only your name and Activity #2 at the beginning of your email.

  • Be careful to use the correct subject line.

  • Late comments lose one point per day late, including weekends and holidays.