

Physical Science, Eleventh Edition, is intended to serve the needs of non-science majors who are required to complete one or more physical science courses.It offers exceptional, straight-forward writing, complemented with useful pedagogical tools. Physical Sciences Inc. Develops and demonstrates key technologies and products for our nation’s defense, homeland security, and health industry. During this period of uncertainty, conforming with federal and state guidelines, Physical Sciences Inc.

They’re researching the ancient defense mechanisms of bacteria in the hunt for COVID-19 treatments; they’re engineering a molecule that, like a wrench tossed in a machine, stops coronavirus in its tracks; and they’re building microscopic brooms that might help ‘sweep’ coronavirus out of a patient’s lungs. Here, discover the latest research on COVID-19 at the UCI School of Physical Sciences.

As the COVID-19 virus has increased its spread within our communities, we must recommit to previously stated safety precautions and be especially vigilant.

Our students bring dynamic ideas, and form the bedrock of our bustling culture of research and discovery.


We empathize with the pain, sadness, and anger that many are feeling and stand in unity with the Black community at this campus and beyond. We also understand that actions speak louder than words, and we vow to do our part to combat anti-Black racism. As a public university, we have the responsibility to support all our communities, including our Black students, alumni, faculty and staff.

Physical Science Compound

Human activities are disrupting and degrading Earth’s natural systems, thereby threatening the health and safety of both humans and many other species; the security of our food, energy, and water systems; and long-term societal goals of prosperity, justice, and peace. In an effort to directly confront these challenges, we have created the UCI Solutions that Scale initiative.